The two corpora cavernosa and corpus spongiosum (also known as the corpus cavernosum urethrae in older texts) are three expandable erectile tissues along the inner length of the penis which fill with blood to generate penile erection.
When you become erect, the corpora cavernosa are flooded by your body to the absolute maximum. For that reason, it’s the size and health of your corpora cavernosa which controls the size of your erect penis more than anything else.
XtraSize is a dietary supplement, which improves blood-flow in your body, rejuvenates absorbency and improves heath of the corpora cavernosa. As the chambers of your penis expand and the tissue engorges to a fuller capacity than before, length, thickness and improved sexual stamina become possible.
Due to the unique American formula, the effects produced by XtraSize are permanent and don’t disappear when you stop taking the pills. Rejuvenated absorbency and improved heath of the corpora cavernosa don’t wear off, making it possible for you to enjoy thicker penis for ever.
Even in men with healthy erectile function, greater absorbency of the corpora cavernosa can lengthen and thicken your penis and strengthen your erections.
All you have to do is to take one pill of XtraSize after your every morning meal. You will be able to experience the first effects in a form of stronger erections and extended love-making just after a few weeks of taking the supplement. Continue the treatment to gradually lengthen your penis. You will add 1 inch to your penis after 1 month and even 3 inches after 6 months of using XtraSize.
One pack of XtraSize contains 60 pills, which will provide you with a 2-month treatment. It is enough to improve erectile function and add 1 inch to your penis, which will enable you to get more intense pleasure from sex.
To achieve the maximum results, we recommend you to buy 3 packs of XtraSize and take the supplement for 6 months. We guarantee you that half a year is enough to add additional 3 inches to your penis and increase its girth, which will bring you and your lover maximum pleasure during sex.
Thanks to one pill of XtraSize a day, you will experience stronger erections and your penis will gain from 1 to even 3 inches in length. Order XtraSize and become a man you have always wanted to be.
Each year, we receive thousands of emails from men who have visited our website. In fact, there are two types of men – those who “ACT” and those who “ONLY WAIT”, which is the reason why their lives go in many different directions over the time.
Those who “ACT”, read our website, take a decision and order our product. After some time, they again write to us to tell about an
incredible impact that XtraSize has had on their lives. Our product has helped thousands of men – see, what some of them think about XtraSize.
On the other hand, those who “ONLY WAIT”, look though our website and wonder “what my life would be like if I had a longer penis”, but do nothing to increase its size and enhance the quality of their sex life. They postpone the purchase of the product indefinitely.
You have to decide yourself which group you want to belong to. Act. Order XtraSize and start a new sex life.
You can continue reading to learn more about our unique formula.
XtraSize is the best! I use it for only six weeks. 1.3 inch increase! Now I get more XtraSize for bigger size soon. So happy and feel great too. XtraSize is true! Read more »
Hiroshi, 18, Tokyo
Working out and eating right are important for your overall health. Any personal trainer will tell you that. But no amount of vegetables or bench presses will enhance your sex life as much as XtraSize does. So simple and so effective! Read more »
Derek, 26, Ohio
I own my own business and I have to travel all the time. When I get back home to see my wife and we have sex, I want it to be the best mind-blowing orgasm she ever had. XtraSize is a competitive advantage in the bedroom. Read more »
Dave, 43, Canada
Are you wondering what the secret of XtraSize is? The answer is: all natural ingredients of the highest quality. All substances used to produce XtraSize are supplied by certified producers, who specialize in the cultivation of herbs and plants grown for dietary and medical purposes. Our unique formula was worked out by a team of American scientists, doctors and nutritionists.
More»The research data on XtraSize is simply undeniable. Greater erectile size and function from a guaranteed all natural product. During careful analysis I became absolutely certain that XtraSize is not only effective but also completely safe. I recommend XtraSize to anyone seeking to improve their sex life.
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